Some will depart from the faith .. in later times
Read verses 1-3 and ask yourself, what are the key lessons? How does this text benefit you?
Why are these verses interesting after last Sundays message on 1Timothy 3:16?
The text says the Spirit speaks expressly or clearly/explicitly, does He speak that way to you? How?
Do you ever fear 'falling away' from the faith?
Why do people depart from the faith?
Does this mean they lost their salvation?
Are there demons today? How do they deceive us?
Why does the text mention forbidding marriage? Sounds a bit strange?
Are we in the later/latter times? How would we know?
Why does God speak so much to the later times?
Will the later times bring Revival or Apostasy?
Is Apostasy the same or worse than Atheism?
What would be some clear tests of Apostasy?