Noah Preaches Righteousness!

Jun 30, 2024

Noah is known for building an Ark, but did he do anything else? Some, even christians, say thats all.

2 Peter 2:4-9 tells us Noah preached, but how did he do that? What is the tone of this text?

What did Noah preach and what does it mean?

What is righteousness? For us?

God used a deluge of water to teach a lesson in Noahs day, were there other times the power and awesomeness of water was used by God to display His glory? When? Why?

Noah had only 7 other followers after preaching for 100 years before the flood. What does that teach us?

All Jesus lovers are to share the only hope humanity has, the love, grace and redemption found ONLY in

Jesus, are you hiding your allegiance and hope for the lost or sharing it?

There are other references of Noah in the bible, 3x in the OT and 3x in the NT. Few notable men in the Bible have that claim. This says what?

How does God measure faithfulness? Ask Noah!