Noah - A Remnant of Preachers

Jun 2, 2024    Pastor Jason

What is your feeling towards genealogies in Scripture?

Why are we starting with Methuselah when the series is on Noah?

Why does what is the point of Genesis 5? Why a break from the narrative action?

What is something interesting worth noting regarding the ages of these men?

Does the meaning of names matter in the Bible?

Is there a significance to these 10 men’s names?

Why 10 pre-flood patriarchs?

Where else in Scripture is Enoch mentioned? What is the significance of Enoch in these passages?

What is the meaning of Methuselah?

What is the meaning of Lamech’s name?

What is the meaning of Noah’s name?

Do you ever wonder why you are still here?

Why does the Lord seemingly allow saints to grow older despite wanting to leave this world?

What is the point of this chapter focusing on one particular child in the midst of mentioning “other sons and daughters”?

What is the purpose of a forerunner in Scripture?

Who are some famous biblical forerunners?

What is the difference between remorse and repentance?

What is the biblical significance of the word “remnant”?

How do all these names ultimately point to our hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ?