God's Bow NOT Man's Rainbow

Aug 25, 2024

God's Bow, NOT Man's Rainbow

Genesis 9:8-17


What is God’s purpose behind the rainbow?

What is the point of God making the covenant between Himself and all of creation (mankind and every living creature)?

Do other covenants in Scripture have a sign associated with them?

Why does God give signs to go with these covenants?

What lessons do we learn about who God is from the rainbow?

What lessons do we learn about humanity from the rainbow?

What lesson do we learn about the Gospel from the rainbow?

Where else in Scripture does the Lord reference a rainbow?

Who owns the rainbow?

Why does the text say bow?

Man corrupting God’s good promises: Is it better to say man is utterly depraved or totally depraved/corrupt because of sin? Where else do we see mankind taking the things of God and twisting them to mean something else?

Why does the world twist God’s creation to mean something it was never intended to mean?

Where are examples of times in Scripture where creation twisted the words of the Creator?

Rainbow: 7 colors vs. Rainbow Flag 6 Colors - Is that a coincidence? Share your thoughts with your family and friends.