The Obedience of Noah: Obeying What Seems Crazy

Jul 14, 2024    Pastor Mike

Genesis 6:22 "So Noah did [these things;] according to everything that God had commanded him, so he did."

The age old struggle of faith and works is borne out in the story of Noah. Did Noah's obedience/works save him, or did his works evidence his faith?

How would you help others to understand the importance of being saved by Faith alone? But Faith that works!

What do you think of the expression "When we reach heaven, We'll be surprised at who Is there and who isn't there!"

Whatever happened to Obedience?! What does the Bible say about its importance? Can you be a Christian who lives in chronic disobedience?

I'm hearing a lot these days from "christians" who say all the things you don't have to do to be a "christian"; you don't have to go to church, or read the bible, or witness or...Is there a problem here?

How much of God's word do you actually obey? How much of it are you regularly ignoring/disobeying?

Can "believers" live in partial obedience?

Noah immediately obeyed the Lord, what does that teach us and what did his obedience look like and what does it teach us? Think this through!