Noah Type of Faith is for the Birds!

Aug 4, 2024    Pastor Mike

Noah sent out 2 types of birds to see if the land was dry and they could disembark, what were they?

What is significant about each of these birds? In both culture and in scripture? At least 2 points!

Actually 2 other Bible characters mention 1 of these birds each, who were they?

The Bible does'nt spell out why these birds were chosen, but can we imagine why?

One of the birds is now an international symbol! But of what?

Are there other birds mentioned in the Bible and why? It's Amazing that God uses animals to teach us!

The birds are actually and simply a symbol of Noah and a spiritual issue for him, what is it?

We know it rained for 40 days, but how long was Noah actually on the ark?

Noah's story is highly representative of peace with God! What are those "Peace" lessons then?