The Suffering of a Blameless Man

Jun 4, 2023    Pastor Jason

What does it mean to be blameless? Upright? Fearing God? And turning away from evil?

How is Job even able to be declared blameless in Job 1:1?

What is the significance of Job 1:2-3?

Does God bless us based on our faith?

What does it mean in verse 3 where the text says Job was the greatest of all the men of the East? Greatest based on all he had? Greatest attesting to his character?

Why did Job send for his children, consecrate his children, and offer burnt offerings for his children? Why was Job doing this continually?

What does Job mean by, “Perhaps they sinned and cursed God in their hearts”? What does it mean to curse God in one’s heart? Is there any insight we can gain from Job 2:10?

What principle can we learn about parenting from Job’s actions in Job 1:5?

What is the significance of the Lord’s words in Job 1:8?

What is the significance of the Lord’s words in Job 2:3? Does he add any comments compared to Job 1:8?

How would you answer the question, "Why do good people suffer"?

How do you see Job? Does he seem like a regular person to you? Or does Job seem like one of those super-spiritual people? Does Job appear to have extra favor from the Lord?

Does God bless us based on our faith and blamelessness?