The Humility of Hearing

Oct 1, 2023    Pastor Jason

James 1:19 begins with “you know this” or simply “Know” in other translations. What do the James’ readers know? Why do they know this? How do they do they know this?

What does James mean by quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger?

Is this what James expected the Church to know?

How does this command connect with what came previously? Or is James starting a new discussion?

What is James' point in James 1:20? How does it relate to James 1:19?

James 2:21 begins with “Therefore”. What is the “therefore” looking back to?

How do the Christians rid themselves of all filth and wickedness?

What’s the significance of the phrase “the word implanted”?

How does the Christian receive “the word implanted”?

How is “the word implanted” able to save?