The Holy Spirit - The Cultivator of The Choice Fruit

Apr 14, 2024

Is there a difference between work and fruit? Why aren’t the fruit of the Spirit called the works of the Spirit?

Why is fruit singular in Galatians 5:22?

Why is love first on the list of the fruit of the Spirit?

What does Paul mean by love?

How do we love God?

How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? Consider also what the Lord means by the second greatest commandment.

What connection exists between what Paul says about love in 1 Corinthians 13 and here in Galatians 5:22?

What does Paul mean by joy?

What brings you joy?

How does following Jesus bring the Christian joy?

What is the difference between joy and happiness? Does God want us to be happy (See Hebrews 12:2)?

Can one truly know joy apart from Christ (See Psalms 30:5)?

What does Paul mean by peace?

What is meant by Philippians 4:7 - “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”?

How is God’s peace unlike the “peace” that the world offers?