The Son, The People, and the Cup of Judgement

May 7, 2023    Pastor Jason

See the resource link to help you meditate on the Sermon Questions for this week - Harmony of the Gospels - Study Resources - Study Resources (

All four Gospel accounts give the account of Jesus in the Garden and Him being on trial. John includes details that the others do not include. Why do think John would include the details he does and leave out the other details? What point is John making in his gospel?

Imagine the scene: Jesus is in the garden, the disciples are around him, and Judas shows up with a Roman cohort and temple officers. How would you feel and respond if you were there with Jesus?

What is significant about John 18:4-6?

Why does Jesus ask them again in verse 7?

How do the soldiers and officers respond in verse 7? How do they respond to getting knocked down? What does this say about the human condition?

Why does John mention Malchus by name as the one whose ear was cut off? Why does John mention Peter as the one who did it by name?

Jesus' words in John 18:11 are not seen in any of the other 3 Gospels. Why do you think this is recorded in John’s Gospel?

We do not see the extensive dialogue between the Jewish leaders, the High Priest, and Jesus that we see in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. What aspect of who Christ is does John bring to the discussion that perhaps the other gospel accounts?

What stands out to you as you read John 18:28?

What does John 18:30 say both about the Jewish authorities and Jesus Himself? What are they implying about Jesus?

The conversation between Jesus and Pilate has some subtle differences in John’s Gospel. Why does John include these details?

In John 18:35, Pilate asks Jesus what has he done. Jesus seemingly answers Pilate's question from John 18:34. Why doesn’t Jesus answer Pilate's question in John 18:35?

What is Jesus' point in John 18:37?

How would answer the question, “What is truth”? (c.f. John 18:38)

What is the significance of Pilate saying, “I find no guilt in Him” (NASB 2020: I find no grounds at all for charges in His case)?

What holiday does Pilate say the Jews are celebrating in this passage? What is the significance?

Why does John not even record Pilate offering the people Barabbas? What is the significance of the people choosing Barabbas over Jesus? Why does John mention simply that Barabbas was a robber/rebel?